Monday, September 12, 2016

Face-to-Face with Face-Book

Face what?! It is all in the wording. Face and book, Facebook.
For a long time she didn’t even know what it was. Then it slowly creeped into her peripheral vision. She knew it, but ignored it. It inched closer.  It knocked at the door. She still kept it at bay.  Her husband finally invited it in.  Hiding behind his face but peaking occasionally over his shoulder she watched how the world of the past re-entered their lives with long forgotten acquaintances and longtime-no-see friends. She felt the warmth of these reunions touching their hearts and saw the caring for each other permeate the time space continuum. The world had an appointment in their living room. She would have never imagined.
At night like with the Waltons she could read “good night, John Boy, good night… .
The lights would go out and the computer recharge.

Now her buttons got pushed. Facebook’s foot is in her door. No more hiding. The time being a hermit is passed. Timid at first, but curious to share, she starts to embrace Facebook. At the beginning the things she posts go to no man’s land. It might been because of Mercury retrograde. Her e-mails too seem to have a Wanderlust for elsewhere, but for where she needs them.

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